
The role of Llywydd (Presiding Officer) is the single most important office in the Senedd.​​

The role of the Llywydd of the Senedd mirrors the roles of Speakers and Presiding Officers in parliaments across the world. Though the exact responsibilities of the job may vary from country to country, and they may have different titles, the roles are similar.

The Llywydd chairs Plenary meetings, remaining politically impartial at all times. The Llywydd also plays an active role in representing the Senedd and Wales’s interests on a national, UK and international stage and chairs the Senedd Commission.

The current Llywydd is Rt Hon Elin Jones MS.

Keep up to date with the Llywydd by following @yLlywydd on Twitter. You can also contact her by emailing Llywydd@senedd.wales.

Elin Jones MS
