Discover more about the Senedd, our role representing you and how we hold the Welsh Government to account.
Role of the Senedd
Our Role
We make laws, set taxes and oversee the work of the Welsh Government.
Find out more

About Members
Members of the Senedd
You are represented by five Members of the Senedd (MSs). One for your local area and four for the region of Wales you live in.
Find out who your Members are, how they represent you and the different roles they have in the Senedd.
About Plenary

Members meet twice a week in the Siambr for Plenary, when the Senedd is sitting.
Plenary is where Members debate and make decisions on issues that matter for Wales.
About Committees
Senedd Committees
Our committees look at the work of the Welsh Government and other public organisations on specific subjects.
They carry out inquiries and create reports, examining proposed laws and holding Welsh Government ministers to account.
About elections and voting
Elections and Voting
If you're over 16 and live in Wales you can vote in Senedd elections every five years.
You have two votes in Senedd elections - one vote to choose someone to represent your local area and a second vote to choose people to represent the region of Wales you live in.

About Petitions
Petitioning is one of the most direct ways for you to suggest how something could change.
You can submit a petition using our online petitions system, on paper, or a combination of the two.