The Senedd's International Framework was agreed in September 2022 by the Senedd Commission and is implemented by colleagues across the organisation, including the Llywydd's Private Office, Research, and Senedd Committees.

The Framework provides accountability, clarity and direction to the international parliamentary activity resourced by the Senedd Commission, and is based on the principles that our international activities will:

  1. Be focused on Parliamentary business, enabling the Senedd to deliver its core function of representing the interests of Wales and its people by enhancing the exchange of knowledge, ideas and experience; and
  2. Recognise the value and importance of building the institutional and international reputation of the Senedd through engagement and collaboration, whether it be Member or Committee-led, official level or Parliament to Parliament.

International Framework Sixth Senedd

In implementing the Framework, details of international activity including reports and blogs are regularly shared on this website. Updates are available at the links below. 

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Recent updates

Committee Report – Culture and the EU

The CCWLSIR Committee have published their report ‘Culture shock: Culture and the new relationship with the European Union’, making 14 recommendations. The report was launched at an event in Brussels as part of a visit undertaken by the Committee in November 2024. 

The UK’s New Border Operating Model

After the UK’s withdrawal from the EU, the UK, Welsh, and Scottish governments and officials from Northern Ireland designed a new import regime, the Border Target Operating Model (BTOM). Published in August 2023, it set out a timetable for the introduction of new trade controls on all imports, including imports from the EU.  

More detail can be found in the Senedd Research article, Wales and the UK’s new border operating model, and the Economy, Trade, and Rural Affairs Committee published its report  Border Target Operating Model: A view from Wales in October 2024.  

Cross-Committee Delegation Visit to Ireland

The Deputy Presiding Officer led a Cross-Committee delegation to Ireland in September 2024. Members from the Culture, Communications, Welsh Language, Sports, and International Relations Committee, Economy, Trade, and Rural Affairs Committee, and the Climate Change, Environment and Infrastructure Committee visited Dublin between 18-20 September, where they met with their counterpart Committees at the Oireachtas and received an official welcome from the Ceann Comhairle. Members also met with Welsh Government officials in Dublin, the Irish Government’s Department for Foreign Affairs, Arts Council Ireland, and other key partners. Discussions included parliamentary procedure, sport, culture, renewable energy & trade, as well as the Ireland-Wales Shared Statement.

The Deputy Presiding Officer also took the opportunity to meet with Deputy Speaker Steve Aiken MLA in the Northern Ireland Assembly, the first official visit from the Senedd to Stormont since Assembly business resumed.  

A visit report has since been published, with suggested actions for each Committee.

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