Your Senedd is changing: What do you need to know?

Published 10/01/2025   |   Last Updated 16/01/2025

The Senedd is the place where decisions are made on the issues that matter to you.


From 2026, there’ll be some changes to strengthen how the Senedd represents you and your community.

This includes changes to the way you elect who represents you, how many Members represent you, and how often elections are held to choose who represents you.

Let’s take a closer look at what’s changing.

So, what can you expect?


96 Members of the Senedd

From 2026, the Senedd will have 96 Members instead of 60.

This will give the Senedd greater ability to challenge the Welsh Government’s plans on important issues like health services, education and transport. This means your community will have a stronger voice when decisions are made.

A new voting system

Everyone aged 16 and over will now have one vote to choose who represents their community in the Senedd.

This change aims to make the voting process simpler and more inclusive.

New constituencies

Wales will have 16 new constituencies, instead of 40.

New rules for candidates

Anyone standing for election must live in Wales.

This makes sure that those who represent you will have a genuine connection to Wales, and will better understand and help with local issues.

More frequent elections

Senedd elections will now take place every four years.

This means you’ll be able to hold your Members to account more often.  

Why should this matter to you?


These changes are happening to help the Senedd better represent and serve the people of Wales, leading to more effective decision-making for you and your community.

  • Stronger voice: more Members mean your community’s concerns will get more attention.
  • Shaping Wales together: the new system makes sure your vote counts more than ever.
  • Greater representation: no matter where you live in Wales, six Members will represent you and your community in the Senedd.
  • More accountability: more frequent elections mean you can hold your representatives accountable more often.
  • Better decisions: more Members will enable better challenges of Welsh Government decisions on your behalf.